Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tasha's Christmas Present

Seriously, what's wrong with a new stove, mixer, pots & pans? These are just a few things I've bought Tasha for Christmas over the last few years. The year I bought her a stove for Christmas, I even cut out a catalog picture of the stove and wrapped it up in a little tiny box, it was a really cute box. I know, I know, lame. Man I'm retarded.

Click on this link below, thanks to Doug Griffith I am hoping to stay out of the dog house this year.
The Dog House

1 comment:

Patti Epperson said...

Again great minds think a like. Mine and Tasha's mind. Rob and I made a rule (or I made Rob follow this rule) Christmas/birthday gifts should be things you weren't planning on getting in the future. Exceptions to the rule, a car. I kept trying to talk Rob into buying me a car for my birthday, but it never worked. I would say you can kill two birds with one stone. He would remind me that it didn't fit the rule because we would be eventually buying a car. See the thought process. Gifts should be surprising and Tasha's secret wish (with some help). Never things you "need" or were already planning on purchasing. Maybe Rob will get me a car this year for my birthday? lol!