Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Catching Up!

Ok, so it has been horribly long since I posted any pictures of our family, so this is a post to catch it all up. I won't go back as far as Christmas (though I did miss blogging that) - but, here are just some things, good and bad that have happened in our lives. First of all - we have had snow, snow, snow...

In January, my Hanna turned 12! It is amazing to think of how fast it has gone. She is so much fun, and is always the life of the party. She is in young women's now and is loving it. We love her very much.

Next was Gracie's birthday party. I can't beleive my little girl is 5 already...she is getting so big. She wanted a princess birthday (like most 5 year old girls), so we made it fun by all dressing up.

Grace was the princess, I was the Queen Mom, Lily Sue was a fairy, Gunnar and Gavin were castle guards, and Hanna was a servant girl...she actually thought of that - it was really fun.
J.D. was a good sport and dressed up like the king for this didn't last much longer than that, but we will take it!
This is the "servant girl" painting all the princesses' fingernails.

Now the bad, January 30th my Uncle Scott was killed in an avalanche. He is my dad's baby brother and lifelong business partner. It was a very sad blow to all of us, and we miss him greatly.

Tasha (more to come, soon...I promise!)

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