Friday, November 6, 2009

My Latest Creation

At Enrichment Meeting last month we had a goods and services auction. The thing I offered at the auction was that I would make and decorate a cake for someone. A member of the Young Women Presidency won it, and asked me to make a shoe cake - any kind of shoe. They were having a Personal Progress meeting or something (obviously, I am not in YW), and the theme was around shoes. Oh, and they wanted me to use all the YW colors. It was quite a challenge for me to come up with something, but with the help of the internet, it turned out alright.

I know - if I took this many pictures, it obviously took me way too long...oh well, I need something to remember all day yesterday by.



Lacey said...

Once again- you have made an adorable cake. You really are so talented Tasha. I was supposed to win that!

Mashuta Designs said...

that looks great!

Mitchells Sun Valley said...

Do we start call you Martha now? U certainly qualify! OK, it's official - Martha Griffith!! LOL